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Product Launch

YDT - Underwater Autonomous Mapping

Client: YDT Underwater Autonomous Mapping
Agency: The Sanford Partnership
Animation Type: 3D, Animation, Motion Graphics

"Please pass on our immense appreciation to your team; we are absolutely thrilled with the end result. Not a single change is required - this is perfect as is." 

Justin O'Donnell, Chief Operating Officer
YDT Submarines 

Robotics. Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning. No, this isn’t the plot of the newest Terminator movie. It’s actually much, much cooler ...

You can imagine the excitement at Jumbla when tech innovator YDT came to us with a brief to help them create a sizzle reel, showcasing the high-end (not to mention ‘top-secret’) product they were launching at CBIT in Sydney. 

Our advertising animation would be used as a backdrop at the event - but we couldn’t use sound. And we had two weeks to complete it <gulp>...

To bring this to life, the design team used a mixture of 3D and 2D elements to create a teaser-style motion graphic that amplified the mystery surrounding the product.

The animation’s simplicity would give just enough away to draw the event crowd in, by piquing their interest and leaving them wanting to ask the team questions to find out more. 

“Visually, it made the most sense to approach it this way,” executive creative director Callan Woolcock said.

“The client was on board with the concept as it was able to communicate what they were after. It also matched the references they liked and they were really happy about the way we brought their idea to life without a lot of direction.”

In order to complete the job by the deadline, the team used Element 3D inside After Effects, along with Stardust.

After Effects plug-ins allowed us to create 3D inside AE without having to go into other applications. Using them enabled the design team to easily change camera angles, or even add some quick transitions.

The finished product was a stylised photo-realistic 3D render with a designed-based approach. Justin O’Donnell, the Chief Operating Officer at YDT, couldn’t have been happier with the animation, saying “ we are absolutely thrilled with the end result, the video has been so well received and added the touch of ‘wow’ we were after”. 

Oh and the top-secret product?  Just a little underwater mapping and sonar imaging submarine that could help with all manner of things, such as search and rescue, deep-sea exploration. Think Google Maps, but for the ocean.

AEAF Winner| 2020


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