<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://dc.ads.linkedin.com/collect/?pid=216796&amp;fmt=gif">
Branded Web Content


Client: Seesaw
Animation Type: 2D, Animation, Motion Graphics

Making convenience compelling 

Three of Jumbla’s top 2D specialists were selected to handle this job for HomePal, bringing skills ranging from illustration to creative management and animation.  

The focus was to keep the workflow tight and efficient. That meant specialists stayed within their lanes  – one team member focused on illustrations only, while another took those assets and brought them to life and the third oversaw the creative process. While already familiar with character animation tool DUIK Bassel, the team’s lead animator spent more time learning about the plugin to construct more efficient rigs. 

“One of the major challenges in animating a panning shot like this is making sure it progresses smoothly,” motion designer Jeric Ilagan said.

“We came up against some speed bumps -- we needed to cover a long distance in the shot to capture a lot of different elements, like trees or houses. But we were working within a certain timeframe, so we needed to move the camera across a lot of visual content quickly. In turn, the images began to jitter.”

The team’s solution was simple. They grouped together key visual elements of HomePal’s script, meaning the camera didn’t need to travel as far or quickly to tell the full story, and the jitters … ceased.


A very constructive collaboration

“Initially we had a strategic meeting with HomePal and HomePal’s agency SeeSaw to discuss their messaging,” executive producer Charlotte Parsons said. “They provided a lot of references and had a clear direction they wanted to follow.” 

This clarity, plus Jumbla’s ability to manage all of the  production’s moving parts in-house (including sound design), led to swift project delivery of the branded web content.





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