There are clients we certainly enjoy working with, and there are some we just simply Adore!
There are clients we certainly enjoy working with, and there are some we just simply Adore!
We at Jumbla have had the recent great fortune of working on a very successful international TV show: Lost in Oz!
We’re chuffed to announce we were big winners at the Vega Digital Awards, collecting seven awards for our work in 2016.
The Jumbla blog welcomes Cornel, our creative manager, as our guest blogger for this month. This the first in our new series, Industry Insider, which rounds up the coolest and most innovative work in the animation world every month.
It’s that time of year again. You know… when Love Actually gets played and everyone cries, the Queen speaks slowly on TV and Mariah Carey collects her royalties from the re-charting of her 1994 festive single.
Our latest product demonstration was completed for Zenith Interiors, an Australian office interiors company.
Our latest big name client is one to be excited about – Kayla Itsines, the global fitness guru. We made an animation for Kayla to celebrate the first birthday of the Sweat With Kayla app.
Our trophy cabinet’s running out of room… Jumbla has been awarded for our beautiful animation work again – this time at the W³ Awards, based in New York.
Spring has sprung in Melbourne. And along with it, the Melbourne Spring Fashion Festival.
The online video game League of Legends attracts a staggering 27 million daily players.
Hands up if you miss getting a lollipop at the doctor’s office. too.
Welcome to the future – Jumbla will be your guide! We’re pretty excited about this one, as this video showcases an actual hologram. Not an animation of one – but a real life, actual hologram.
Our latest collaboration with Ogilvy sees the completion of five pre-roll advertisements for Lenovo, the global technology giant.
Introducing the newest member of the Jumbla family – Cornel, who’s joined us all the way from Germany! He’ll be joining the team as our latest creative director.
For one of our latest projects, we worked alongside world-renowned creative agency McCann, as well as The University of Melbourne – the first ranked tertiary institution in Australia.
Here at Jumbla, we consider explainer videos one of our specialities – but they get extra special when they also feature a 3D product demonstration...