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Jumbla Academy

Jumbla Academy Open Day - Working Animation Studio

Nov 1, 2017

What happens behind the closed doors of a working animation studio?

Doritos, coffee (lots of coffee), tabletop soccer, creative magic, and (in Jumbla’s case) a resident hound. Woof!

You’ll also find a group of hard-working students honing their skills in Jumbla’s 15-week animation and motion graphics course.

We figured more people should have the opportunity to see what goes down in Jumbla Academy, because words alone don’t do it justice.

So we’ll be opening the doors for a guided tour of our South Melbourne studio from 2.30pm on Thursday 9 November with academy professor Lahiru Karunaratne.

‘Sweet’, you say.

Well, we’re glad you’re pumped!

If you want in on this, email our awesome tour organiser and marketing whizz Em at emma@jumbla.com.au or phone 9023 9310.

What to expect from Jumbla Academy Open Day

Just like Jumbla Academy itself, our open day aims to provide an authentic insight into what an animation and motion graphics studio is really like.

Marvel at the creations taking shape on the screens of our creative army while our trusty Spotify account pumps out some suitably sick beats.

Lahiru will provide an overview of the studio and how each team works together, before heading to our dedicated Jumbla Academy teaching space, where you’ll see our current semester of students frantically finalising their showreels!

He’ll also take questions on all aspects of the course, including our latest curriculum addition – Cinema 4D.

Lahiru will give you the lowdown on anything you’d like to know about the course, including the type of projects you’ll work on, the skills you’ll learn, and the guaranteed good times you’ll have.

If you want in on this, email our awesome tour organiser and marketing whizz Em at emma@jumbla.com.au or phone 9023 9310.

What makes Jumbla Academy unique

The Jumbla studio isn’t your typical working environment. You’re never more than 20-odd paces away from our foosball table, fish pond, PlayStation or fruitbowl of free produce.

But one of the main things that sets Jumbla Academy apart from other After Effects or Cinema 4D courses is that it takes place in an actual animation studio.

“You're not in some sort of closed-off classroom,” says Lahiru. “You’re in an actual studio.”

This might sound a little daunting at first, as you’ll be rubbing shoulders with some of Australia’s top animators and working on the kinds of projects our clients cough up the big bucks for.

But the experience can be invaluable…setting the wheels in motion for a successful creative career.

“You've got designers working over to your right. You've got clients coming in on your left. You can really feed off that. I think that's a big thing,” adds Lahiru.

“When you look to your right and see what the person next to you is doing, it really makes you think, ‘That’s awesome. I really want to know how that’s done’.

“You’ll come here and you’re probably going to find out how it is done.”

Book your place at Jumbla Academy Open Day to find out what we’re all about.

If you want in on this, email our awesome tour organiser and marketing whizz Em at emma@jumbla.com.au or phone 9023 9310.

Start an Animation Project


Click below to submit your project details and a senior producer will get back to you within one business day.
