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Explainer Video

Exciton Science

Client: The ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science
Animation Type: 2D, Animation

It’s no secret that explainer videos are often characterised by a particular look and feel. In this piece for Exciton Science, we took a slightly different approach to the format by slowing the pace to help explain the brand’s challenges and aspirations in detail.

Our brief was to help Exciton Science communicate its mission to create materials and devices that harness all wavelengths of light.

Such a technical objective required an equally esoteric explanation through the medium of animation and motion graphics.

Informative yet entertaining

“The objective of the brief was to create an engaging piece that explained what the research centre did and what it was hoping to achieve,” Jumbla Producer Danielle Carter said.

Striking the right balance between ‘informative’ and ‘entertaining’ can be difficult to achieve.

On the one hand, we needed to convey the technical aspects of Exciton Science. On the other, it was vital to maintain the viewers’ attention in order to get that message across.

Jumbla Executive Creative Director Callan Woolcock opted for a tried and tested technique.

“Cal proposed a concept that emphasised the impact of powerful storytelling and the positive effect it can have on brands or organisations,” Danielle said. “We also wanted to stay away from the typical explainer video animation format.”

Technical illustrations and real-world applications

“The content for this animation was quite technical, so it required us to research the subject so we could ensure the visual elements were being represented accurately,” Danielle said. “This research actually helped us develop the overall style.”

From microscopes and microchips to cars and cash, the video manages to combine advanced science with everyday items, explaining how even the most complex technology can have practical, real-world applications.

Every creative choice - from the colour pallete, to illustrative style and transitions - was carefully considered.

“When thinking of the concept and visuals, we drew inspiration from words such as ‘clean’, ‘bold’, ‘informative’, ‘fluid’, ‘smooth’, ‘organic’, and ‘sophisticated’,” Danielle said. “We also took more of an illustrative approach to help tell the story.

“The creative team used a mixture of environmental and character-style illustrations as well as abstract iconography and typography. We wanted the edit to be smooth and fluid, with thoughtful transitions from scene to scene.”

A collaborative process

The newly-formed ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science was keen to make an impression with its first foray into the world of animation and motion graphics.

Thanks to our collaborative approach, we were able to support and advise them every step of the way.

“Receiving feedback was really important because of the project’s technical nature,” Danielle said. “For example, one material we referenced is extremely sensitive to excitonic material and will immediately change colour when exposed to certain chemicals.

“At first, this wasn’t obvious enough. So our creative team made the ‘contaminating’ particles bigger and more obvious. This is something we wouldn’t have known without the client’s expert input.”

Once these technical boxes were ticked, we could deliver a powerful, positive, and thought-provoking piece.

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